2024 was a busy year at Whiting Library. Demand for books, movies, and other library materials is as strong as ever within our community.

Physical circulation increased by 102%, while digital circulation increased by 6% overall.

Library-hosted events were also a huge draw, with a 35% increase in attendance compared to 2023. Summer reading participation increased by 14%, and library outreach activities increased by 186%.

Find out more about 2004 at Whiting Library at https://bit.ly/WhitingLibrary2024Report.

In 2025, we will continue to ensure residents have convenient access to the library’s events, services, and collections. Our first step is providing Thursday hours. We will soon update our phone system so it will be easier for you to reach us.

In March, we made it easier for you to reach us by phone during peak and off hours. For 530 callers, this reduced the time they spent on hold or waiting for a return call.

In addition, we are making changes to our collections so you can more easily find what you are looking for, whether on the shelf or online.