In light of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Vermont, we have made the tough decision to return to Front Porch Pick Up lending only. The Whiting Library will no longer be open for appointments starting on Saturday, November 28th, 2020. We know how much everyone loved coming back into the library and we loved having you back as well! This place comes alive when filled with our lovely patrons!

Nevertheless, it’s important that we limit our contact and use of shared spaces. The library building is not well designed for social distancing or for air circulation. We believe we’re doing our part to keep the community safe and ensure the continued healthy staffing of the library by halting appointments until the community spread is under control.

The metric used to make this choice is the county-wide cases per million as they appear on the State of Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development website. When the cases go back below 800 cases per million and Windsor county is no longer colored RED on the map, we will resume appointments. 

Please check the back here for updated information, or keep in touch on social media via Instagram or Facebook. And of course, give us a call with questions or requests anytime!  We look forward to hearing from you.

Have an excellent Thanksgiving and keep requesting everything you’d like from the library for Front Porch Pick Up!