Book Donations
Guidelines for Material Donations
***All items donated should be CLEAN AND IN GOOD CONDITION***
The Whiting Library reserves the right to decide how the library will use your donation. We are seeking books and materials that are:
- Recently published
- Clean
- In good repair
- We also consider topical balance, accuracy, and our available space.
The lower level of Whiting Library is home to an ongoing book sale, open during regular library hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All proceeds benefit the library.
Your donation helps the library BOOK SALE if it is:
- Clean and neat
- It is in excellent condition – so good that you would repurchase it yourself!
- Textbooks, computer books, and travel books should have been published within the last three years.
- The library will accept other media forms, including DVDs, audiobooks, CDs, and vinyl records.
Your donations will be accepted during library hours and reviewed as you wait so you can find another home for the things we cannot take. (We cannot dispose of books for you). **PLEASE, NO DOORSTEP ORPHANS**
*Please Do Not Donate Books with:
- Torn pages, torn covers, missing covers, broken spines
- Yellowed pages, flocked or moldy pages
- Obsolete information (travel guides, price guides, technology manuals, textbooks more than three years old)
- Catalogs, pamphlets, magazines, scratched discs or missing discs, or bootlegged recordings
- Spiral-bound books
- Anything on tape
- Filled-in workbooks (crosswords, sudoku)
- Items with scribbled comments
- Calendars, encyclopedias, dictionaries
- Cat hairballs, food scraps, household trash, mice droppings, worms, bugs– We have seen all these and more!