
The Pencil / Avingaq, Susan
Kamik : Kamik takes the lead / Baker, Darryl,
The little ghost who lost her boo! / Bickell, Elaine
Wolf cub’s song / Bruchac, Joseph
In the sky at nighttime / Deal, Laura
Leaf Man / Ehlert, Lois
Eva at the beach / Elliott, Rebecca
Eva in the spotlight / Elliott, Rebecca
Happy Llamakkah! / Gehl, Laura
The mermaid from Jeju / Hahn, Sumi
What we’ll build : plans for our together future / Jeffers, Oliver
Pug blasts off / May, Kyla
Pug’s got talent / May, Kyla
It began with a page : how Gyo Fujikawa drew the way / Maclear, Kyo
The fairies of frost / Haley Nystrom
Loretta Little looks back : three voices go tell it : a monologue novel / Pinkney, Andrea Davis
The Ickabog / Rowling, J. K.
Share some kindness, bring some light / Stott, Apryl
Our little kitchen / Tamaki, Jillian
Ruby’s birds / Thompson, Maya
Backyard fairies / Phoebe Wahl
Unicorns are the worst / Willan, Alex


Alma’s dream / Anekwe, Obiora N.
The Talk: conversations about race, love & truth / edited by Wade Hudson & Cheryl Willis Hudson
March : book one / Lewis, John
Where’s the sloth? / Rowland, Andy
A green place to be : the creation of Central Park / Yazdani, Ashley Benham