General Gardening Resources:
Gardening Planning and Tips (Seed Savers Exchange)
Johnny’s Seed Calculator (when to plant)
What Zone am I in? (USDA)
- Zones 3-4 Planting Guide (UVM Extension)
- Zones 5-6 Planting Guide (UVM Extension)
Master Gardener Helpline (UVM Extension)
Where to Test Soil (UVM Extension)
Local Gardening Resources (Vermont Garden Network)
Gardening Resources from the Master Gardeners (UVM Extension)
Tips for starting your garden (UVM Extension)
Seed Saving Resources:
Seed Saving For Beginners (Seed Savers Exchange)Seed Saving Information (Seed Savers Alliance)
Seed Saving Chart (Seed Savers Alliance)
Books and Library Resources:
- Seed Starting Kits: Includes a flat, tray, grow light, fan, and heat mat. Also includes a copy of The New Seed Starters Handbook.
- The New Seed Starters Handbook, by Nancy Bubel.
- The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving, by Micaela Colley.
- Gathering: Memoir of a Seed Savior, by DIne Ott Whealy.